Explore the CodeOp library

Explore our collection of resources, including eBooks, guides, and insightful tech talks for some extra help and support along your learning journey.


5 Steps to Starting a Successful Career in Programming

Learn how you can build a successful career in the tech industry, even if you're just getting started today.

The Top 9 Skills Needed to Break into Data Science in 2022

Understand the essential skills you need to break into or get further along in data science in 2022.

Graduate stories – Beth Collins: From dentist to developer

We chat with Beth about her journey into coding and her experience during her full-time bootcamp with us.

Graduate stories – Olga Dayneko: From QA engineer to developer

We chat with Olga about her journey into coding and her experience during her full-time bootcamp with us.

Graduate stories – Hyojung Lee: From neuroscience to data analytics

We chat with Hyojung about her decision to go from studying neuroscience to switching to learn data analytics, as well as her bootcamp experience.

Graduate stories – Rowida Al Haddad: Upskilling in product management

We chat to Rowida, about her upskilling journey in product management and her experience during the course.

Women+ Who have Transitioned to Tech: July 2021

Learn about transitioning to tech from women+ who have been through the process—from bootcamp to landing their first job in tech.

Women+ Who have Transitioned to Tech: June 2021

Learn about transitioning to tech from women+ who have been through the process—from bootcamp to landing their first job in tech.