
Full Stack Development: Student Project Showcase

In this showcase, CodeOp students present their Full Stack projects to showcase the concepts & skills they’ve learnt in our bootcamp.

Full Stack Development: Student Project Showcase

In this showcase, CodeOp students present their Full Stack projects to showcase the concepts & skills they’ve learnt in our bootcamp.

Shareit App Demo

ShareIt lets you borrow and lend products and services to people nearby. It was built in 2-weeks as a final group project in our bootcamp.

Carolina’s Esperança Project App Demo

Carolina is a CodeOp graduate who learnt to build this app with her new skillset in just 11 weeks.

Daena’s group project: ‘Commu’ App Demo

Daena is a CodeOp graduate who learnt to build this app with her new skillset in just 11 weeks.

CogLearnApp Demo

CogLearnApp helps breaks down the stigma and barriers surrounding people with learning disabilities. It was built in 2-weeks as the final group project in our bootcamp.

Beth’s ‘Feel Better in 5’ App Demo

Beth is a CodeOp graduate who learnt to build this app with her new skillset in just 11 weeks.

Chanice’s ‘Keja Hunt Ke’ App Demo

Chanice is a CodeOp graduate who learnt to build this app with her new skillset in just 11 weeks.