Our students
From over 50 countries worldwide, aged 18-45, highschool graduates to post-doctoral studies, our students are changing the culture of tech.
Join one of our beginners coding classes and discover what it’s like to learn how to code. Explore the fundamentals and work on a hands-on coding activity to better understand what coding is all about, as well as the benefits it can offer you.
What is code? Is it for me? How do I get started? What opportunities will learning to code open up to me? We're here to answer all of your questions, even if you think they're super dumb.
Led by developers and instructors from the CodeOp community, our free beginners coding workshops for women+ cover the programming fundamentals ranging from HTML and CSS, JavaScript basics, command line, and Git.
Register for our next free class and join our community of coding newbies.
From over 50 countries worldwide, aged 18-45, highschool graduates to post-doctoral studies, our students are changing the culture of tech.
Our educational team brings senior-level expertise, next-level knowledge, heart, and energy to our community.
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